What Booth Size do I need for my Guard Booth and Security Team? - Guard Booths

What Booth Size do I need for my Guard Booth and Security Team?

Guard booth size is an important consideration when choosing your guard booth. Whether you are protecting a construction site, parking lot carnival, office building, or seasonal event, choosing the right guard or security booth size is paramount. This ensures that your security team can use the shack effectively. Before we get to sizing, though, let’s review the many benefits of having an onsite security guard or team.

  • A security guard presence provides an important service to any business.
  • Parking lot security guards provide human eyes on the scene that can spot trouble, as well as respond quickly to said trouble. This includes accidents, natural disasters, robberies, and more.
  • Security guards help monitor grounds and people, prevent crime, report crime, serve customers, and simply provide a sense of security.
  • The mere presence of a security guard and a security booth can be a tremendous deterrent to criminals who would rather cause problems at an easier target that is not protected.
Choose Your Guard Booth Dimensions

Some events are just as concerned with the look of their guard booth as they are with guard or security booth sizes. You can take a look at some fun and interesting guard booths if you want something beyond the ordinary. Another idea is to check out this Pinterest board that is dedicated exclusively to interesting guard booths at Disney resorts. Or this one that shows a variety of guard booth shapes and sizes for any event or need.

Now, of course, aesthetics are important, but the size of your guard booth is very important too. Going all out with guard shack dimensions that are overdone can be a mistake. So, now you want to know what booth size will suit my guard booth needs? When it comes to choosing between guard booth sizes, there are a number of things for you to consider.

The Right Size Security Booth

  • When evaluating security booth dimensions, choose a guard booth size that is large enough to house the people and equipment that you need.
    Every organization has different needs, so think through how many guards will use your booth and what will be stored in the booth. If you plan to fill your shack with computer screens, video monitors, walkie-talkies and more, you might need a bit more space than a single guard with a clipboard does.
  • Select a booth that is small enough to fit into the space that you have available.
    Take into consideration where you will place your booth and how much space you have. If you are guarding a small building with a very small parking lot, then a 4’x4’ booth might be a security room standard size that suits you best. If you need to fit the booth between some trees or even put it inside on a warehouse floor, you might need a small footprint. But if you have multiple guards watching a large construction site, a more visible and larger building might be a better choice.
  • Consider a guard booth that is sized to be fixed or mobile, depending upon your needs.
    Any size booth can be moved when you need to, but if you plan to move your guard booth around frequently then a smaller booth mounted on caster wheels or a trailer may be your best option.
  • Get a guard booth size that will allow you to add the features that are necessary. Your security booth has to fit your needs. This means that if you are in a high crime or dangerous area, you may choose a large booth to be seen and hold a lot of equipment. But a similar application in a lower crime area might be able to use a guard house size that is smaller as they will have less staff and less equipment.
  • Choose the guard booth that is best sized to fit your budget.
    Simply put, a bigger booth will cost you more. You can generally get a small 4’x4’ booth (security room dimensions in meters is approximately 1.22 x 1.22) for under $5,000. But double that size to an 8×8 and you nearly double the price. It’s worth it, if you need the space, but obviously you have to choose a booth that fits your budget. When thinking about this, though, do remember that Guardian Booth offers booth rentals and financing, to make getting the booth you need easier.
Examples of Booth Size Choice

Guard booths can come in almost any size or shape. Generally, the smallest size guard booth is 4×4, providing 16 square feet of floor space, which is an average booth size for many of our customers. Other common guard room dimensions for standard booth size (in feet) include: 4×6, 6×6, 6×8, 8×8, 8×10, and 8×12. These are all average parking booth dimensions. However, a guard booth can be custom built in literally any size that you need.

A Medium to Large Guard Booth: Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando Florida, uses a lot of guard booths on their property. Because Disney is so heavily themed, they use custom guard shacks, designed to fit the décor of the area it is guarding. In addition, Disney uses relatively large booths, usually at least 8×8, often larger.

Disney uses guard booths this large for a couple of reasons:

1. Each booth houses two security guards almost all day and night. They need space for the guards to be comfortable and do their job.
2. Disney prides itself on being very efficient in communications and security. Therefore, they have a lot of equipment to store in their guard shacks, creating the need for a security guard room size that is larger than average guard room size.
3. Disney wants even their guard shacks to make a statement: Everything at Disney is big and amazing and must be consistent with that image and reputation.

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