NFL Ticket Booth and Ticket Trailers for Sale or Rent

How to Setup Your Own NFL Ticket Booth

The Super Bowl has treated NFL fans to some incredible moments over the years. The Patriots’ Tom Brady has won six times, including 2019, in the biggest game of the year in nine trips to the finals. 49ers quarterback Steve Young threw six touchdown passes to set a Superbowl record in the team’s 49-26 win over San Diego in 1995. Jacoby Jones of the Baltimore Ravens ran back a kickoff 108 years in his team’s 34-31 win over San Diego in 2013. These are just a few examples of the league’s top performers coming up huge on football’s biggest stage.

Tom Brady, 6-time Super Bowl winner

Superbowl: Great Moments Equals Expensive Tickets

These great moments are why Super Bowl tickets are so expensive. While season ticket holders can get in the door for between $950 and $5,000 a seat, you have to be lucky enough to win the NFL’s lottery to get one of those tickets at face value. For everyone else, it can range from $3,000 for the cheap seats all the way up to $475,000 for a suite ticket on the after-market.

Super Bowl Trophy

What To Look For In An NFL Ticket Booth

What’s a better way to sell those tickets than an NFL ticket cashier booth? Whether you want to rent an NFL ticket booth for a short-term lease or you want to purchase an NFL booth for permanent installation, you want something good-looking, comfortable, and affordable.

Here are some important add-on features you may want in a stadium ticket cashier booth at the Superbowl:

  • Spacious, well-ventilated interiors that can allow your cashiers breathing space within the crowds that attend Superbowl.
  • A 360-degree view that can help your ticket sellers feel safe inside, secure in the knowledge that no one can sneak up on them.
  • Windows that let in sunlight and allow ticket sellers to feel as if they are part of the wonderful outdoors — and not cramped in a ticket booth for extended periods of time.
  • Tinted windows to create a sense of privacy while cutting down on glare from direct sunlight.
  • A stadium ticket booth with a double layer of aluminum filled with weather-resistant insulation is important, as is heating and/or air conditioning to handle the temperature extremes. (That’s because Super Bowl weather conditions vary greatly. Even if the teams are playing in an indoor stadium, your ticket booths and ticket sellers are exposed to the elements. The coldest Super Bowl was in ’72 in New Orleans and hit 39 degrees. The hottest gameday was in L.A. in 1973 where it hit 84 degrees. In 2007 in Miami, it rained the entire day and in 1989 the Miami winds gusted to 25 mph. While the teams are playing inside, you want your team on the outside in the booth to stay comfy and dry.)
  • Windows on multiple sides of the tickets booth that allow ticket cashiers to handle multiple customers simultaneously. The longer people have to wait, the grumpier they can get. Serving multiple people at once means that you’re reducing wait time — and complaints.
  • Counters on the windows that provide a safe place for wallets and purses, as well as a place to sign credit card receipts or house a card reader.
  • If mobility is important to you, a ticket booth trailer on wheels will allow you to relocate the trailer booth to multiple locations throughout the event.

Guardian Booth guard booth at the Super Bowl

Where To Buy NFL Playoff Tickets

Once you’ve got your booth, you’ll need tickets to the big game.

If you’re dealing in volume, contact the league directly for NFL Playoff tickets or for future tickets. Once the playoff teams have been announced each year, you can work directly with the teams.

Fans that have season ticket packages will get the first shot at getting tickets. Once the presale tickets have been sold, teams will release leftover tickets to the general public. You want to avoid this if possible as you will have no better chance than the average person when that happens. Once these tickets hit the market, they get scooped up quickly and resold on the secondary market.

You can also visit resellers online for more options. Stick to the major name vendors and realize that prices will vary greatly over time.

Guardian Booth trailer ticket booth

Choose Guardian Booth for Your Ticket Booth

If you are looking to set up your own NFL ticket booth for NFL playoff tickets, you’ll want to talk to the pros at Guardian Booth. The folks putting on the Super Bowl know that Guardian Booth’s quality products will get the job done. That’s why again this year, Guardian Booth delivered more than 30 booths from their rental fleet for the Super Bowl.

Guardian Booth is managed and operated by a dedicated team focused on customer service. We design, build, and customize ticket booths and prefabricated booths to your precise requirements. Contact us for more information or to get a quote today.

Read More About Ticket Booths and Stadium Security:

7 Tips on Stadium Security

Six Amazing Ticket Booth Designs 

How to Properly Maintain Your New Ticket Booth

Rent, Buy, or Build Your Ticket Booth

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