Booth for COVID Vaccination: The Best Buying Options Available

Best Buying Options for a Booth for COVID Vaccination

covid vaccination

Nearly 200 countries around the world have confirmed cases of COVID 19.

Each country has responded in a different way. Some have mandated strict stay-at-home orders and mass school closings.

Businesses are taking extra infection control prevention measures. Some are mandating masks, offering sanitizing stations, and placing sneeze screens where six ft separations aren’t possible.

Public awareness about coronavirus and its effects is on the rise. However, people are growing weary of restrictions and experiencing pandemic fatigue.

One great light at the end of this tunnel is the COVID 19 vaccine. The US has rolled out details about its vaccine distribution plan.

Have you been selected as a vaccination site? If so, your booth for COVID vaccination will be a part of pandemic history.

Before you get drive up COVID kiosk or get drive up testing booth, do your research and know your options. Keep reading learn details about setting up and running your booth for COVID vaccination.

Where Do I Start?

First, check CDC guidelines, best practices, and vaccine site checklist. You should follow all state and/or county regulations before setting up your booth for COVID vaccination. State and national health departments’ guidelines offer specific regulations for booth set up infection control procedures.

If you don’t have a facility large enough to provide coronavirus prevention measures, you have options. You can buy a drive up COVID vaccination booth or get drive up COVID vaccination kiosk.

All you need is an outdoor space, like a parking lot, to get drive up COVID vaccination booth.

Why Use a Booth for Covid Vaccination?

Consult the CDC website for a complete list of temporary vaccine site guidelines. A booth for COVID vaccination addresses the following guidelines and considerations for your site’s vaccine distribution plan:

  • Adequately distanced vaccine administration sites
  • Spaces for intake
  • Spaces for 15-minute post-vaccine waiting/monitoring
  • Proper vaccine administration positioning
  • Proper space for sanitising stations and sterilization measures
  • Safe spaces to discard used alcohol swabs and syringes
  • Provide adequate heat or cool air
  • Allow for patient privacy

Some aspects of your site’s booth for COVID vaccination are specific to a drive up or walk-up model. It’s important to consider these specific needs when you’re going to buy drive up COVID vaccination booth.

A Drive Up Booth for COVID Vaccination

Drive up vaccination sites are a great way to follow infection control guidelines while administering vaccines. Healthcare professionals can administer vaccines to patients through open car windows. Patients who receive the vaccine wait in their cars for post-vaccine monitoring before they are cleared to drive away.

A drive up COVID vaccination kiosk can provide healthcare workers with a preparation space. Vaccine administrators can use a booth for COVID vaccination as a sanitizing station.

A booth for COVID vaccination should be sturdy and easy to clean. It should also be mobile, as many drive up sites move around communities to maximize efficiency.

Booths and kiosks on wheels are perfect for mobile vaccine and testing sites. They can easily be transported on and off trailers.

A Walk-Up Booth for COVID Vaccination

Kiosks and booths offer solutions for walk-up vaccine testing sites as well.

A patient can step into a booth for COVID vaccination and consult with the vaccine administrator through the window. The recipient can stay in their booth or kiosk while receiving the vaccine. Once they’ve received a jab, they can wait in the booth or kiosk for post-vaccine observation.

A booth for COVID vaccination ensures proper physical distancing. Patients won’t be close enough to share droplets with each other if they are inside hard-sided booths and kiosks.

A temperature screening kiosk is a great place to check vital signs before administering vaccines.

Before you decide to buy drive up COVID vaccination booth or booths, consider adding several walk-up booths to your site.

Booths and Kiosks for COVID-19 Testing

Booths and Kiosks for COVID-19 Testing

If your site offers testing and vaccines, you may want to buy drive up COVID testing booth or booths to accommodate.

Get drive up COVID testing kiosk or kiosks for medical staff to use as staging areas. If you buy drive up COVID testing kiosk or kiosks, you can protect your staff from wind and/or rain. Vital vaccine and testing materials will remain safe from the weather in a booth or kiosk.

Hard-sided options are more protective than other kinds of temporary protective screens.

If you get drive up COVID testing booth or booths, make sure it has adequate ventilation. Ensure that your testing and vaccination booth is equipped to deal with the year-round weather, as the COVID situation continues. Your kiosks should be properly heated or cooled to protect healthcare workers from overheating or becoming too cold.

A Documentation Hub

A booth for COVID vaccination makes for a great mobile office.

COVID-19 testing and vaccination processes need to be documented properly. Finding a place for data and administrative work at mobile sites can present unique challenges.

Tablets and iPads are vital for administration and registration. Leaving them out on tables or open surfaces makes them susceptible to theft. A mobile office provides a safe and enclosed space for valuable info and electronics.

Guardian booths come with many add-on options like desks and conduit wiring for ethernet and phone service.


Any time you’re collecting or distributing health information, you must follow HIPAA regulations. A COVID testing booth or kiosk provides a secure place for your team to temporarily keep confidential information.

Before you set up a site, review all HIPAA guidelines. Familiarize yourself and your team with all regulations regarding patient privacy and medical history data. It may be a good idea to have a list of HIPAA guidelines and reminders in your documentation hub kiosk.

Patients should also be informed of their rights. Hanging patient rights documents in each testing kiosk lets those being testing know you’re in compliance with privacy and data information.

Why Are Guardian Booths the Right Fit?

Guardian has tailored their COVID-19 testing booths to fill testing and vaccination site needs. Guardian Booth has offered safe, secure, and convenient booths and kiosks since 2014. Consumers can select from a number of products that have a professional appearance, quality materials, and affordable pricing. You can easily order a Covid testing booth for sale that will suit your needs.

Mobile and Durable

Guardian booth exteriors are made of sandwich panels, aluminum, and pre-painted galvanized iron. This makes them sturdy, yet lightweight.

Guardian booths have forkliftable bases, making them easier to transport from site to site.

When you get drive up testing booth or kiosks, you don’t want to spend your valuable time putting them together. The same goes if you’d like to get drive up COVID vaccination booth. A booth or kiosk from Guardian comes already assembled.

Customizable Testing and Vaccination Booth

COVID-19 testing booths come equipped with protective gloves to keep your testing staff and patients safe.

Each testing and vaccination booth has the following customizable options:

  • Electricity
  • Duplex ethernet port and phone line
  • Mount on trailer or flatbed
  • Heat
  • Air conditioning
  • Outside LED lights
  • Custom external design
  • Tinted window
  • External vinyl wrap

Choose from booth options ranging in size from 4×4 to 8×12 testing and vaccination booth. Better yet, have your booth custom-made for your site’s testing or vaccination needs.


Buying a COVID-19 testing or vaccination booth doesn’t have to break the bank. Guardian currently has booths ranging from $5,495.95 to $13,795.95.

Geographical location isn’t a barrier with this company. Guardian Booth offers free shipping nationwide. Contact us for further details and pricing options.

Finding the Right Booth for COVID Vaccination

Drive up and walk-up COVID vaccine sites need the right equipment to keep patients and administrators safe. A booth for COVID vaccination and/or testing can provide a space to keep people safe from weather conditions. Booths and kiosks provide privacy and a sanitizable environment.

Guardian Booth is committed to providing you with booths and kiosks that meet your site’s needs. Check out our gallery to see more great guardian booths and kiosks.

We would love to partner with you and help you find the best booth for COVID vaccination and/or testing. Give us a call at (844) 99-BOOTH, email at, or stop by our store at 527 Route 303 Orangeburg, NY 10962.

Let’s find the right fit for your COVID testing and vaccination booth today!

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