Wellness Room Ideas - Guardian Booth

Ideas on How to Design Your Wellness Room at Work

Whether you’ve just launched your company or have been in business for years, you must know that workplace wellness is important.

Just as you look after the marketing, business, finance, and other aspects of your business, incorporating office wellness policies will help your employees to keep stress at bay and be more productive and efficient.

Work-related stress is a huge reason for burnout and absenteeism among employees and also affects employee retention. Designing an office wellness room provides your employees with a sanctuary where they can escape work-related stressors and relax.

This promotes the well-being and happiness of your employees and helps them focus and perform better at work, have better relationships within your teams, and stay loyal through the months and years ahead.

Still not convinced? Read on to know how your employees and also you and your business can benefit from a wellness room. But first, let’s understand what a wellness room is.

What Is A Wellness Room?

A wellness room is a designated space or room within an office where employees can escape the hustle and bustle of work and life in general and spend some time alone or with their office friends.

It incorporates amenities and facilities that promote a sense of calm and relaxation. This allows employees to take their minds off things and return to their work with a renewed sense of purpose and positivity.

A wellness room can also double up as a parent/nursing room, fitness room, emergency room, game room, library room, music room, and so on.

booth interior that can be transformed to wellness room

Why Do You Need A Workplace Wellness Room?

The need and benefits of a wellness room in the office are many. Let’s go over them below:

Complies with Legal Requirements

Incorporating a wellness room office design helps you comply with the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (PPACA). This Act encourages businesses to promote wellness at the workplace by undertaking activities that bolster the health and well-being of employees.

PPACA also mandates that nursing mothers must be given reasonable break times to express breast milk in a private location that is free from intrusion, other than a bathroom, for up to one year post the birth of her child.

Having a wellness room helps you meet the requirements of these above federal law statutes, as wellness rooms are private and secluded and can allow for mothers to nurse their babies free from disturbances of their colleagues and others.

Promotes Well-being and Productivity

While work can be already stressful with unending client demands and deadlines, performance pressure, appraisal periods, and other factors, an open office space or coworking space adds to the stress of employees.

Open offices mean a lot of noise, distractions, and even clutter. It also means no space or privacy to conduct office meetings or work-related conversations. All of these factors can negatively impact an employee’s mental health, well-being, and performance.

If you can’t incorporate a modular office or modular factory office design that can provide employees with greater space and seclusion, consider designing a wellness space.

A wellness room provides a safe, private space for employees to relax, even if only for a few precious moments. It also gives them a space to talk to colleagues and supervisors and conduct meetings without interruptions. Depending on what your facility’s space allows for, a wellness booth can be positioned either indoors or outdoors, either option offering several unique advantages.

outdoor wellness booth for employees

Provides A Place to Rest and Recuperate

There are times when you can’t wait till the end of a workday to get some rest. It may so happen that an employee may fall sick and may need a quiet place such as a wellness room where they can simply sit and be away from noise and other stressors. They may also need seclusion to have their medication or take a short nap if the need arises.

A wellness room is especially beneficial for pregnant women and people who are suffering from terminal illnesses, chronic illnesses, injuries, migraines, nausea, or other such health issues.

Improves Employee Retention and Corporate Success

As we mentioned earlier, wellness spaces help improve mental health and promote rest and relaxation. When employees feel lower levels of stress and anxiety, they feel more valued and happier at work. It also boosts their confidence and performance.

A happy employee is less likely to leave the organization and instead contribute more to the company’s success. This positively impacts your company’s bottom line and keeps you ahead in the business world.

Benefits of Wellness Rooms at Work

The introduction of wellness rooms at work is becoming increasingly popular as businesses recognize the significant positive impacts these spaces have on employee health and productivity. Wellness rooms serve as a dedicated area where employees can take a brief respite from their workday to engage in activities that reduce stress and improve mental health. By providing a space that supports physical and emotional well-being, companies see a marked improvement in overall job satisfaction, a decrease in work-related stress, and an enhancement in employee focus and productivity. The role of a wellness room in promoting a healthy work-life balance cannot be overstated, as it directly contributes to a more vibrant, engaged, and efficient workforce.

Design Tips for Wellness Spaces at Work

Now that you’ve understood the need for a wellness space, let’s take a look at wellness room design. The wellness room at work ideas below will help you create an efficient, comfortable wellness space where employees can take a breather and relax.

oversized booth with rooms inside

Create Space

Whether you are designing a full-blown wellness room or just a small designated space to unwind, you need to factor in space in your office layout. Take tips from the construction of an in-plant modular office to maximize the use of your available space.

You can create a wellness space that is functional and looks professional from the outside and still looks calming from the inside. You can also create more than one such modular wellness space to provide employees with complete seclusion and solitude.

You also have the option of creating nooks or alcoves within a wellness space. So if an employee wishes to be away from their colleagues in the wellness room itself, they can find a secluded corner for some quiet time alone.

Add Comfortable Furnishings

The point of a wellness room is that employees feel that they are away from the hustle of the office while still being in the office. The furniture in a wellness space must look different from regular office furniture and feel comfortable and cozy.

Consider putting in a recliner chair, sofa, sofa-cum-bed, coffee table, and other furnishings such as floor mats, pillows, cushions, and so on. This can allow employees to relax while they watch their favorite movie or read, or even take a quick nap for some much-needed rest.

Also, remember to buy furnishings in bright and cheerful colors. This will further lighten up the space and make it feel like a happy place. The furnishings must also preferably be made of easy-to-clean materials. So if something spills or gets dirty, one does not have to spend a lot of time cleaning it.

Hanging up curtains can also give a sense of privacy, which is especially useful if you have nursing mothers among your staff.

Use Decorative Elements

A wellness room needs to feel like an oasis where employees can escape the chaos of daily life.

Decorate the space with soothing accents, wall art, lighting, scented candles, plants, indoor fountains, and other such elements that can brighten the space and make it feel more calming and welcoming.

Also, opt for earthy, pastel, or neutral tones for the walls and ceiling for a relaxing effect. Hanging or nailing a wellness room sign outside the door lets new employees find the room easily and also reminds employees to leave their worries outside the door and just chill!

Allow Employees to Indulge In Their Hobbies

A wellness space can allow your employees to indulge in their hobbies and interests for a few moments in their workday so that they can beat stress and feel more productive.

Install a mini library and keep some board games, video games, high-quality speakers, and musical instruments around (ensure you have soundproof walls for this!). You can also throw in a few yoga mats and gym equipment, put in a refrigerator where employees can keep their beverages, and let them chill out.

Keep The Space Free of Distractions

Just as you don’t want employees doing personal work during work hours, so must you discourage them from working in a wellness space as much as possible.

A wellness space is meant just for what its name suggests — wellness — and not work. While you may keep a phone line for emergencies, avoid keeping a computer, printer, or any other devices or objects that remind employees of work.

Those suffering from illnesses or mental health issues may have come to the wellness room to avoid work for a few moments and may find it particularly disturbing to find anything there that is related to work.

Also, while an employee may choose to hold work meetings and conversations there as long as it doesn’t inconvenience others in the wellness room, keeping office documents and electronics there is a big no-no.

wellness room design and furnishing

Ideas for a Wellness Room

In the quest to foster a healthier, more productive workplace, integrating a wellness room offers a versatile solution. These dedicated spaces are designed to support the physical and mental well-being of employees, allowing them to recharge and rejuvenate during the workday. Below are several wellness room ideas that can be tailored to fit the unique needs of your workplace, enhancing the overall well-being of your team:

  • Meditation Room: A serene space for mindfulness practices and meditation can significantly reduce stress and improve focus, offering employees a peaceful retreat from the demands of the workday.
  • Yoga Room: Providing a dedicated area for yoga helps promote physical health and mental clarity, enabling employees to engage in rejuvenating exercises that enhance flexibility and reduce tension.
  • Stretching Room: A stretching room can prevent work-related musculoskeletal issues by offering a space for employees to perform physical activities designed to alleviate stiffness and improve mobility.
  • Fitness Room: A compact gym equipped with exercise equipment encourages employees to maintain an active lifestyle, boosting their energy levels and overall physical health.
  • Creative Corner: Designating a space for creativity and innovation can stimulate the mind, fostering innovative thinking and offering a mental escape from routine tasks.
  • Massage Room: A room designated for professional or chair massages provides a tangible way to reduce stress and tension, promoting relaxation and well-being among employees.
  • Snooze Room: Allowing short naps in a designated snooze room can dramatically enhance alertness and productivity, recognizing the importance of rest in cognitive function and overall health.
  • Digital Detox Zone: Creating a space free from digital screens allows employees to disconnect and reduce digital eye strain, encouraging interactions that promote mental well-being.

Essential Components for a Wellness Room

Creating an effective wellness room involves incorporating elements that cater to both mental and physical health needs. Comfortable seating, calming decor, adjustable lighting, and noise-cancellation features are crucial for creating a peaceful retreat. Additionally, incorporating plants, access to natural light, and air purifying systems can enhance the room’s ambiance and air quality. Providing resources like yoga mats, meditation cushions, fitness equipment, and educational materials on wellness practices can further enrich the wellness room experience.

Transform Your Workspace with Guardian Booth’s Modular Wellness Booths

Guardian Booth’s modular wellness booths offer an innovative solution to transform your workspace into a haven of well-being and productivity. With extensive experience in the industry, Guardian Booth stands out for its commitment to quality workmanship, offering durable and aesthetically pleasing modular solutions designed to meet the diverse needs of today’s workplaces. Our expertise ensures that every wellness booth we create is a testament to our dedication to excellence.

Customization is at the heart of what we do; Guardian Booth understands that every business has unique requirements for their wellness spaces. Whether you’re looking for a quiet meditation room, a dynamic fitness area, or a serene relaxation zone, our modular wellness booths can be tailored to fit your specific needs. From the layout and size to the interior finishes and features, we work closely with our clients to design spaces that truly reflect their vision for workplace wellness.

Recognizing the fast-paced nature of business today, Guardian Booth is committed to a rapid timetable for the delivery and installation of our modular wellness booths. Our efficient process ensures minimal disruption to your daily operations, allowing you to quickly enjoy the benefits of your new wellness space. This swift turnaround does not compromise the quality or customization of your booth, but rather reflects our efficient and streamlined approach to modular construction.

Strong support is a cornerstone of our service. From the initial consultation through to installation and beyond, Guardian Booth offers unwavering support to ensure your modular wellness booth meets and exceeds your expectations. Our team is always available to provide guidance, answer questions, and make adjustments as needed, ensuring a seamless experience from start to finish.

By choosing Guardian Booth for your modular wellness booth needs, you’re not just enhancing your workspace; you’re investing in the health and happiness of your employees. Let us help you transform your workspace into a wellness room that promotes well-being, boosts productivity, and fosters a positive work environment.

Final Thoughts

Adding a wellness space to your office layout can help you and your employees reap rich rewards in the long term. Check out our wellness room ideas above to get a fair understanding of what you can and cannot include in your design.

Guardian Booth provides highly customizable prefabricated booths that are durable, weatherproof, well-ventilated, portable, and most importantly, within your budget.

Our affordable rates and excellent quality can help you create a wellness space with a modular design that you and your employees love. Contact us today to get a quote and start designing your office wellness room.

construction of modular booths

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