9 Benefits of Prefab Physical Access Control Booths

9 Benefits of Physical Access Control Booths at Your In-Person Event

2020 was a dreadful year for in-person events, but plans are already in place to change that in 2021.

Businesses and event holders are gearing up to hold major in-person events again thanks to the continued vaccine rollout. But the fact of in-person events will likely be changed, in comparison to how they used to be.

One major way in which you can hold a safe and secure in-person event this year is by implementing physical access control booths.

We’re going to outline what exactly physical access control is so you know what you’re looking for. Then, we’re going to highlight 9 major benefits of implementing it at your next event.

What is Physical Access Control?

When we say physical access control, we are referring to a system of security and control over an event space.

Essentially, physical access control refers to the way in which an event holder restricts access to a certain space during an event or on their premises. For example, a cinema hides its projector room and other staff areas behind certain physical access control systems.

In the olden days, this would simply be through methods like lock and key. Some more advanced methods today include employee swipe cards or even facial recognition.

For in-person events, however, the best way of utilizing physical access control is through installing a dedicated booth.

A physical access control booth is a prefab security booth installed to help you control access to certain spaces at your event. The most obvious place to install these booths would be at the main entrance, to track who comes in and who goes out.

But more advanced events, particularly larger ones, might need several booths to monitor different areas. This could be the case at large conferences, where people must buy separate tickets for speeches or access to certain rooms.

No matter what event you’re holding, physical access control booths can help you stay in control.

Now you know what they are, let’s outline the many benefits of physical access control for in-person events.

1. Remove Lock and Keys

As we mentioned before, old-age methods of access control tended to involve locks and keys.

Everyone who needed access to a specific area would need to have the key to unlock that specific door. When holding large-scale events, this is an utterly unfeasible plan.

It would be an insane cost to cut keys for every attendant at a large in-person event. Having one person with the key is also a major security risk, even if these individuals are security staff themselves.

Installing a booth means you can operate a dedicated team of staff to oversee entry, removing the need for this ancient practice.

2. Greater Ability to Track Attendees

By installing a physical access control booth, you can operate a base from which you can review all entrances to your event. This is usually managed by appointing a border guard at each booth.

This means you’re able to track in real-time who is coming and going at any one time. This is essential to ensuring a ticketed event is only attended by those with a valid ticket.

With a booth, you can simplify this entry method, ensuring you can always keep track of your attendees. This tracking allows a heightened sense of control over the entirety of your event.

3. More Advanced Attendees Data

Another benefit of this tracking means you’re able to collect more advanced data on your attendees.

For example, you can install a couple of booths, with two people checking tickets and two other people logging your data.

This can ensure you have quantifiable and qualitative information on the performance of your event. This kind of data is crucial for people who hold events regularly.

It means you can use this data to improve your events in the future. Maybe you’ll recognize a demographic that isn’t attending as much, and focus on them in your marketing.

Or, you can find out the general age range of your attendees and work towards improving their experience in the future.

physical access control booth

4. It Keeps Your Event Secure

Booths allow a base from which your security staff can operate from. This is essential to ensuring your event remains safe and secure at all times.

Physical access control booths are large enough to include all the physical security items your event needs. It also helps to keep your security organized and in contact with each other at all times.

You can also keep track of each guest through single-person baffle gate systems.

This isn’t just beneficial when operating a construction site, it helps no matter the kind of in-person event you’re holding. A border guard access management system can ensure you have eyes on any potential problems at all times.

5. Speed Up The Entry

Another core benefit of a physical access control booth is that it speeds up the entry of your event. This includes the main entrance as well as entrance to any additional areas.

It means you can have ticket checker staff on your gate at all times who can process people quickly. If you have an automated gate, this can ensure that you review everyone’s tickets and allow them entry as fast as possible.

This ensures your event fills up quicker, which makes it more appealing to your guests. It also, crucially, works towards improving the guest experience overall whilst also helping you with visitor management.

6. Improve the Attendee Experience

A well-organized security and attendance system means that your attendees will have a better experience at your event.

The less time your attendees are waiting around, the more they can engage with your event itself. But the speed improvement isn’t the only way in which an access management system can improve your event.

It also makes your attendees feel at ease, knowing that they are in a secure space. This ease extends to everyone involved at the event itself, including your employees.

7. Improved Experience and Productivity for Employees and Special Guests

With the right physical access control system installed, your employees can get where they need to go without any hassle. They shouldn’t have to wait around in too many queues or spend ages getting checked out at every gateline.

This means they can fulfill their role at the event better overall. Their productivity increases, as there are fewer barriers in place that prevent them from doing a good job. Meanwhile, your guests can still be managed through a turnpike or turnstile entry system.

This is particularly true if you have any special guest speakers or famous individuals at your event. Showing them that you have a thorough physical access control system on entry evidence the professional atmosphere of your event.

This is particularly true with an automated gate system. Applying these systems will make it more likely for them to engage with your business or event in the future.

security booth for physical access control

8. An Affordable Solution

If you go with the right provider, a physical access control booth system can be an affordable way to keep your event under control.

You’ll only need to invest in the booths themselves and the ticket checker and security staff required to operate them. With a reliable provider, you’ll also be able to re-use your booths again at future events.

Their portability means they are the perfect solution to events that move location regularly. Their size also means they’re just big enough for your staff to operate comfortably in but small enough to move at a moment’s notice.

If you hold events at one venue regularly, however, you could look to install a permanent booth at your location. This means you’re only investing in a few physical access control booths at first.

A reliable provider will even assist with the building of your booth, and provide a detailed quote beforehand. This ensures you’re only spending what you need to to keep your event secure and safe for all of your attendees.

The problem of tickets and security can often be an expensive cost for event holders these days. That’s not including the other expensive costs of holding corporate events. By providing an affordable solution, portable access booths ensure you can dedicate your budget to other areas.

9. Multi-Location Access Control

Finally, a benefit of physical access control booths that can rarely be replicated by other solutions is their multi-location ability.

As mentioned previously, booths allow you to control physical access to several different areas at any one time. For larger events, this is crucial to ensuring people are only accessing areas where they’re allowed to be.

It can control the backstage areas of your event as well as VIP or premium areas. This allows you a complete sense of control when it comes to your visitor management.

All you need to do is install a booth at the border of the area and have the staff required to man it at any one time. Immediately you have a secure border through which only the right guests can enter.

The multi-location benefits of booths work well as your staff can communicate with each other. If you install the right number of booths, you should have physical security at every important area in your event space.

Where Can I Find Out More?

Now you know the almost endless benefits of physical access control booths.

But we know you likely have more questions, like where can you find these booths? You might want to know how they’re installed, or how much they cost.

No matter your questions, the team here at Guardian Booth is happy to help. We provide dedicated booths for numerous different purposes, including physical access control.

To find out more or purchase booths for your next event, please make sure you contact our team directly.

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